RadlLand Bayern

Bicycle Traffic

for every day

What is Bavaria doing for cycling?

Cycling for every day

The bicycle is very important for daily mobility. It is usually the fastest, cheapest and most effective means of transport for short to medium distances and is (almost) permanently available. More cycling also means a better quality of life in cities and in the countryside. Promoting cycling is therefore a focus of Bavarian transport policy.

We invest around 40 million euros annually in the construction of cycle paths on federal and state roads and promote municipal cycle path construction with funds from the Bavarian Municipal Transport Financing Act (BayGVFG) and the Bavarian Financial Equalization Act (BayFAG).

To strengthen networked mobility, we promote the construction of bicycle parking facilities at bus stops and train stations and support the construction of bicycle superhighways.

We are designing a nationwide network for everyday cycling that connects all of Bavaria’s towns and communities as consistently and directly as possible (“Radverkehrsnetz Bayern”).

With the Association of Bicycle-Friendly Communities (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fahrradfreundliche Kommunen in Bayern e.V.), we are supporting our most important partner. We support communities, planners and interested parties with informative brochures, publications, specialist conferences and our website.

More information at: www.radverkehr.bayern.de

Bicycle Traffic

The Bicycle Traffic section brings together all the important information on the subject of cycling.


Uniform signage serves as orientation and provides specific guidance along the cycle routes.

Bavarian Cycle Network

To work or just to go shopping? The Bavarian Cycle Network (Radverkehrsnetz Bayern) creates direct connections between all cities and towns in Bavaria.
